26 Sep 2010

Bleu - Four - Lojinx

US pop god Bleu will be making his first visit to the UK in October to support the release of his new album “Four“. Released in Europe on Lojinx and, following his hugely successful (495%!) Kickstarter campaign, his very own “The Major Label” in the US.

12 Oct 10 Farncombe Cavern, Farncombe
13 Oct 10 The Grapevine, Norwich
16 Oct 10 The Drawing Room, Chesham
17 Oct 10 The Living Room, Oxford
20 Oct 10 The Regal Room, London
23 Oct 10 The Borderline, London
24 Oct 10 The Haymakers, Cambridge

You can help us spread the word by sharing the streaming album player on your facebook profile HERE. You can also download a free track right here:


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